when love began
I remember being fascinated by words long before I could actually write any. I loved story time more than any other time of the day, and I was that kid who always begged for "just one more" at bedtime. I wanted to write so badly that I sat one day at the age of three or four, pad and pencil in hand, randomly stringing together letters, my tiny bottom firmly planted on the little red stool that was mine alone. I followed every attempt with a plea to my mom, "Is this a word?" Over and over, the answer was no. Finally, I hit the jackpot, with C-A-T. A proud moment.Bonnie Goldberg, in Room to Write, encourages you to explore one of your own profound writing moments. Write about the first time words had an impact on you, the moment when your love affair with language began. Don't just tell the story--relive it. Use vivid imagery, as much detail as you can remember (or imagine), and take the reader there with you.
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