Friday, April 08, 2005

love from A to Z

If you've never explored The Alchera Project, I encourage you to surf your way over and take a look. Each month, the site owner provides a number of interesting writing prompts that address a variety of writerly skills--poetry, fiction, freewriting, and even list-making. I've been a lurker on the site for quite some time, but this will be my first foray into actually completing (and posting) one of its projects.

The topic (direct from Alchera):
List/ Option 4: Things You Love....Alphabetized.
I went back in the archives an entire year to see what list projects we've done and, oddly enough, none of them deal specifically with things you love. But making a list of things you love it just too easy, and the point of Alchera is to challenge the creative mind. So, not only are you to make a list of things you love, but you are to do it with the alphabet. That's still too easy in my opinion, so you've also got to come up with at least two things for each letter. 'X' is really going to be tricky. (Example: Aenima & And All That Could Have Been, Blueberry muffins &...this is a lot harder than I though...Bourbon?) This kind of project takes time.
See my effort in the first comment.

1 comment(s):

  • Things I Love:

    Apples and Amaretto
    Books and blogging
    Chai tea and cherry trees
    Deadlines and downtime
    Elizabeth Berg and education
    Fuzzy slippers and fountains
    Green and Goldberg (Natalie & Bonnie)
    Homemade ice cream and hazelnut coffee
    Icicles and innovation
    June and journaling
    K. D. Lang and karaoke
    Learning and laughing
    Macs and momentum
    Naps and notebooks
    Old friends and oscillating fans
    Periwinkle and pina coladas
    Quiet and quotes
    Ranting and raving
    Singing and sweatshirts
    Technology and thrillers
    Unison and upgrades
    Vacation and variety
    Walking and wishing
    Xrays that have the longed for result and Xerox (a teacher's best friend)
    Yes and yearning
    Zeal and zipping through work I wish I didn't have to do

    By Blogger lit lover, at 9:38 AM  

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