Wednesday, April 06, 2005

sneaking up on yourself

In One Continuous Mistake, Gail Sher recommends experimenting with when and where you write by trying out writing at unusual times or in unusual places. A few places I've written (some unusual, some not so much):
  • In the car while I was driving (okay, while I was stopped in traffic)
  • In the shower (you'll just have to trust me on this one)
  • In restaurants
  • In bookstores
  • In coffeeshops
  • In mall food courts (one of my favorites)
  • In the middle of the night (sometimes without turning on the light)
  • While walking in a park
  • On a plane
  • On a bus full of teenagers I was responsible for
You get the idea. Sher contends that sometimes it helps to "sneak up on our minds," to catch ourselves unaware and off guard and discover what such writing yields. Sounds fun, doesn't it? So today, write at a time or a place (or both) that's unusual for you.

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